Silicon Power SSD S60/S70/V60/V70 firmware Version FW 525

Silicon Power SSD S60/S70/V60/V70 firmware Version FW 525. - Supported Operating Systems
Supported on XP SP3, Vista SP2, Win 7 and Fedora Core 14 / 32-bit.

1. Microsoft AHCI driver is required and Microsoft AHCI mode must be enabled on your computer.
2. You must have Administrator privileges on your computer to run this utility.
3. If update failed, please help try to demount the IRST mode
Before Use
1. Updating your device may result in data loss. Therefore, we strongly recommend you back up your
data before proceeding.
2. Please DO NOT unplug the device or the power source during firmware update. This may cause
unpredictable damage.
3. Use only native SATA ports to perform upgrade. Do NOT use third party controllers

Silicon Power SSD S60/S70/V60/V70 firmware Version FW 525

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