Realtek Bluetooth Driver v1.6.1015.3011 for Windows 10

Realtek Bluetooth Driver v1.6.1015.3011 for Windows 10. - New pack of drivers for the Bluetooth adapter WiFi 802.11b/g/n the company Realtek. Drivers are support to work with operating systems:  Windows 10 (64).

Information package drivers:
Name: Realtek 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Bluetooth drivers
OS:  Windows 10 (64)
Supported chipsets Realtek: RTL 8723A, RTL 8723B, RTL 8821A, RTL 8761A
DriverVer = 06/05/2019, 1.6.1015.2011
Supported controllers:

Realtek Bluetooth Driver v1.6.1015.3011 for Windows 10
version: 1.6.1015.190605
1. Update driver version to v1015.X011
2. update fw

HCI version: 8.49802 LMP version: 8.16553
CoexVersion: 20190509-2f2f
HCI version: 8.17034 LMP version: 8.16553
CoexVersion: 20190509-4139
HCI version: 7.25226 LMP version: 7.16553
CoexVersion: 20190509-6f6c
HCI version: 10.2442 LMP version: 10.16553
CoexVersion: 20190509-0d0d

Realtek Bluetooth 4.0 (RTL8723AE/8723AU) Drivers Version 1.6.1015.3011 - Windows 10

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