Nvidia GeForce Experience

Nvidia GeForce Experience - Software GeForce Experience ( GFE ) for graphics cards equipped with Nvidia chipset GeForce 8, GeForce 9, GeForce 100, GeForce 200, GeForce 300, GeForce 400, GeForce 500, GeForce 600, GeForce 700 or GeForce 800.

This software allows you to adjust optimally the parameters of many video games in order to get the best performance and the best possible quality . It retrieves the settings for that online servers Nvidia depending on the hardware and software configuration detected. The GeForce Experience application can also automatically update the graphics drivers GeForce
Supported  OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/Vista-64/7-64/8-64/8.1-64

Release Highlights

GeForce Experience 2.1 Release Highlights


     Adds frame rate counter in the game
     The Shadow mode is now usable with desktop recording
     Adds push-to-talk function to
     Increases the resolution in the capture at up to 2500 × 1600
     Enhanced audio sync when editing with Adobe Premier
     Improved stability when Twitch Streaming
     Shadowplay activation status (on / off) is maintained on notebooks with automatic updates
     Adds Battery Boost settings for individual games added


     Faster installation of automatic updates
     Fixed several bugs

Nvidia GeForce Experience

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