Intel Rapid Start Technology

Intel Rapid Start Technology - Drivers for: Intel® Core™ i5 processor, Intel® Core™ i7 processor, Intel® Core™ i7 processor extreme edition, Intel® Core™ i5 mobile processor, Intel® Core™i7 mobile processor, Intel® Core™i7 mobile processor extreme edition. Supported OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 - 32/64 bit.

Windows 7/8/8.1 32/64bit
Revision Information:
- Fixed icon status on task bar is not correct with actual Off state if
registry DisableCriticalBatteryWakeControl is set to 1, turn off Rapid Start and
save through GUI. And then click on the icon of taskbar, then icon would be displayed
to On incorrectly.

Supported devices: ACPI \ INT3392

%Intel% = Intel,NTx86.6.1

; DisplayName           Section       DeviceId
; -----------           -------       --------
%Irstrt.DeviceDesc%=GenericIrstrt_Inst, ACPI\INT3392

Intel Rapid Start Technology

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