AMD Says Its 15.9 Beta Catalyst Experiences Some Video Memory Issues

AMD Says Its 15.9 Beta Catalyst Experiences Some Video Memory Issues. - AMD has been made aware that its latest Catalyst 15.9 Beta driver release experiences one very annoying issue, namely all of the system’s available video memory is being used while users are re-sizing an active browser window.

Since this problem has been reported via the AMD Reporting Form, the producer has been grateful and stated, “Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and being patient whilst we continue to investigate. We're working on getting it resolved as soon as possible.”

In addition to that, AMD has also highlighted that users who are looking for a different driver package that doesn’t encounter this problem should consider installing an earlier version, such as the AMD Catalyst Graphics Driver 15.7.1 release.

Most importantly, this version is a stable one compared to the 15.9 BETA Catalyst release, and won’t experience any important issues or jeopardize the gaming experience in any games (as long as you have the required “horsepower”).

In addition to that, the 15.7.1 driver is compatible with the same Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 operating systems, and just like the 15.9 beta release, it shouldn’t be applied on platforms other than the recommended ones.

That being said, in order to resolve the video memory issue, save and apply AMD’s 15.7.1 Catalyst release, and constantly check our website to be the first to know when a newer graphics driver is available for your system configuration.

source: Softpedia

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