ALPS GlidePoint drivers, version 8.6.303.107

ALPS GlidePoint drivers, version 8.6.303.107. - Alps glidepoint is a plug and play pointing device replactment for your mouse or trackball. Simply move your finger across the surface and the cursor follows. Supported OS Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, 32 or 64 bit.

Package Details:
Title: Alps Pointing Device Driver v.8.6.303.107
(Alps Pointing-device Filter Driver, the driver for the touchpad Alps)
Driver version: 8.6.303.107 (32 bit)
Driver Version: 8.106.303.107 (64 bit)
Release date: 23.06.2014
Developer: Alps Electric
Operating System: Windows Blue, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista (32/64 bit)

Drivers are designed for laptops of Toshiba.
This driver package supports the operating system Windows Blue.

Supported Devices: (Device Manager)
"Alps Pointing-device"

ALPS GlidePoint drivers, version 8.6.303.107

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